Mathematics is not Science

Автор: Arkady Siris
Т/О “НЕФОРМАТ”, Ottawa, 2024
Электронное издание


The title of the monograph will surprise not only mathematicians and the mathematical community.

First, mathematicians appeared in society with the historical birth of society.

Secondly, for the same reason, today there is no longer a single natural science in which there is no presence of mathematicians.

Thirdly , today the planetary society has that public opinion, in agreement with which mathematics is not only a science, but also the most accurate of all sciences, and for the same reason, if other sciences are exact sciences, then thanks to the mathematical science that is present in the same other sciences.

Fourthly, today the planetary society lacks a scientific understanding of what Science essentially is and it is even clear why. No, and there cannot be such a science that could, without its own bias towards itself, objectively prove what is the essence of science in planetary society.

Fifthly, if science is powerless to objectively define «science», then society has a philosophy, which is not science because the object of knowledge of philosophy is the worldview of society and for the same reason philosophy, simply by defining itself as not science, must oblige itself to discover the social essence of that phenomenon in the social division of labor among the productive forces of society, whose worldview strikingly distinguishes itself from the worldview of society.

Sixthly, historically it happened as it happened that philosophy, the object of knowledge of which is a worldview, itself found itself in a worldview contradiction with itself where it irreconcilably divided itself into metaphysics and dialectics in one place, and not in another divided itself less irreconcilably into idealism and materialism.

So the same thing is happening now in planetary society, which is the final reason why planetary society even in modern times does not have the worldview that is able to distinguish science, as a social phenomenon, from the essence of the same social phenomenon.


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