Автор: Andrey Belikov
Т/О “НЕФОРМАТ”, Санкт-Петербург 2021
Электронное издание
The book is a collection of articles devoted to unidentified flying objects and scientific problems that are directly or indirectly related to this phenomenon. Various designs of UFOs and the principles of their flight in space and time are described. The prospects for the creation on Earth of flying vehicles capable of flying like UFOs are described.
About the author
The book was written by engineer Andrey Belikov, who devoted 20 years to the problem of the UFO flight process and the creation of the theory of such aircraft. In 2021, the author was awarded the Goethe Medal of the European Academy of Natural Sciences for the space-time hypothesis, which theoretically substantiates the possibility of travel in time and space. The day is not far off when humanity will be able to travel through the Universe using its psychic abilities.
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